Bible Study


Free Bible Study Tracts You Can Study Personally or With A Group


The tracts unit is an arm under Reformation Platform Ministry. All tracts, with different categories, are intended only to edify and help you nurture an intimate, personal, and experiential relationship with God.



  1. Balm of Gilead: A tract for administering faith for healing.
  2. Daughters of Zion: For wives and unmarried women.
  3. Leadership Digest: For church leaders and ministers in different capacities.  
  4. Men of Valour: For husbands and unmarried men.
  5. No More Two: For married couples.
  6. The Convert: For new Christians.
  7. The Disciple: For maturing Christians who aspire to become like Christ.
  8. Youths Aglow: For teenagers and teen adults; often in picture format.
  9. Kiddies Delight: For children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old.

Subscription to these tracts is absolutely free. Please fill the form below adequately to receive the tracts directly to inbox.

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  1. Balm of Gilead: A tract for administering faith for healing.
  2. Daughters of Zion: For wives and unmarried women.
  3. Leadership Digest: For church leaders and ministers in different capacities.  
  4. Men of Valour: For husbands and unmarried men.
  5. No More Two: For married couples.
  6. The Convert: For new Christians.
  7. The Disciple: For maturing Christians who aspire to become like Christ.
  8. Youths Aglow: For teenagers and teen adults; often in picture format.
  9. Kiddies Delight: For children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old.

Subscription to these tracts is absolutely free. Please fill the form below adequately to receive the tracts directly to inbox.



For maturing Christians who aspire to become like Christ.

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The Primary & Secondary Reason Why Jesus Came

Abraham Oshoko



If you are a maturing believer, digging deep into the doctrines of Christ, these materials are suitable for you.

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Another Jesus, Another Spirit & Another Gospel

Abraham Oshoko

Now That You Are Born Again

Abraham Oshoko

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